Davis Mountain Builders
Scootchified Construction
Carpentry & General Contracting
Building and Structural Design
MIL-TBP-41 Compliant

Contact Information:

Davis Mountain Builders

Kevin LaRue

511 Concord Pond Road

Woodstock, Maine 04219

cell: (207) 357-6160


The condition of a house is only as good as the soundness of its roof.

[Gift certificates are available.]

Project price quotes are the sum of:

* projected materials costs

* projected labor costs

* projected equipment rental costs

* projected fees

* payment for the company's financial risk

* company profit

Building codes are regularly updated in order to stay in step with our society’s changing expectations regarding safety, affordability, comfort, reliability, serviceability, durability, convenience, energy usage and environmental interaction, as well as changes in technology and changes in our understanding of building science.